I love it when inspiration hits, but then there's often that frustrating delay (generally caused by life!) before I can actually get in to my studio and see the inspiration take form. Unfortunately, this week, inspiration coincided with the last week of term (always ludicrously busy). However I managed to carve out some time throughout the week to breathe in my studio.
Last week I was discussing with my daughter the different mechanisms that plants use for seed dispersal (she was doing her biology homework - and rather smugly relaying how she had corrected her teacher regarding the use of fire as a dispersal mechanism; I bet he loved that!) This discussion was the source of inspiration for the latest piece that I've been working on. I wanted to give the impression of abundant life - the existence of lush leaf and flower forms at the same time as the next generation is released in the dispersal of a multitude of tiny seeds. Each one holding the promise of future generations.
And what better way to spend a rainy Sunday afternoon than hand stitching on the seed bead seeds for the finishing touches :-)
Sunday afternoon stitching